This week the Watch Teej gang gets cruelly accused of being a positive podcast by Stardom Quest which forces them on their best behavior when talking about the UpUpGirls, Hikari Noa, and Chris Brookes. Unfortunately, their natural chaotic tendencies leak out into discussions of religion, politics, racism, Mei Suruga (who is not the same as Mei Saint Michel, Excalibur!)
Watch Teej also has guest host @JengaNeck on who doesn’t talk about art once but does threaten to fight @OneThirtyH over his treatment of Haruna Neko. But we cut that bit out so I’m not sure why I’m telling you about it here. Also, @angesoymilk and @void_of_opinion switch hosting duties which causes Void to have a nervous breakdown and is never happening again.
Listen now:
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