The Watch Teej gang sees Pom become a flying squirrel
credit : TJPW

Watch Teej – S02E03 – Stand Alone ’23

This week the Watch Teej Gang watches TJPW Stand Alone ’23 because OneThirtyH watched it and immediately started screaming like a little girl that this was the show we had to do next (probably because Pom and Max are on the same team and cause complete destruction). The show records a lot later than normal as Void’s mic exploded and for some reason the recording gods decided this episode wasn’t going to happen between broken hardware, failed recordings, and people being massively out of sync. But the gang made it happen, for you, our loyal viewers whom we love so very, very dearly. And OneThirtyH had to spend a lot of time in the editing room.

Also on this week’s episode, Yuki Arai has an unfair advantage when her friend (not angesoymilk) shows up as a special referee that cartwheels her way into our hearts. Kamifuku gets swung by her neck, Pom almost breaks her arm, OneThirtyH decides Wakana no longer exists, Void fails at ASMR, everyone catches up on which Joshi they are currently stalking, and the group becomes obsessed with Muzuki’s dangling fluffy balls.

Hosts: @void_of_opinion, @angesoymilk, @OneThirtyH

Show: Stand Alone ’23

Start Time: 57min 40sec

Check out Watch Teej below:

Stay tuned to the Five Star Network for all updates on the world of Joshi, Puro, and more!

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